Archive: Climate change: July was world’s hottest month ever recorded
Class created on 15/08/2021

Headline vocabulary
Vocabulary | Meaning |
Headline | This is the title to the story. It is written in large letters at the top of the page to introduce you to the article. |
Article | This is the story in the newspaper or a piece of writing. |
Climate change | Climate change is the change in weather patterns over a long period of time. This can be changes such as lower or higher temperatures or even more or less rainfall in certain regions [Places] around the world. |
0.93C / 15.8C Degree Celsius
Main article vocabulary
Vocabulary | Meaning |
Extreme heat | This means that the temperature is much hotter than normal. It is so hot that it can be very dangerous. You can also say ‘extreme weather‘ which means very bad weather. Far worse than normal. |
Sparked wildfires | If somethings sparked something, it started it or caused it. So, the extreme heat started or caused the wildfires around the world. |

Vocabulary | Meaning |
Fossil fuels | These are natural fuels, such as oil, natural gas and coal, that come from the Earth. They are from plants and animal remains. |

Vocabulary | Meaning |
Greenhouse gasses | These are gasses released by fossil fuels such as carbon dioxide (CO2). |
Trap the sun’s energy | The CO2 gas released by the fossil fuels can keep the sun’s heat from escaping which results in hotter temperatures around the world. |

Vocabulary | Meaning |
To avert a climate catastrophe | To avert means to avoid / prevent something, to try and stop something from happening. Climate refers to the weather. Catastrophe means something very bad has happened. So, to avert a climate catastrophe means to stop something very bad from happening to the climate [weather]. |
No room for excuses | This means that no more excuses can be given for not doing something. It has to be done now! Stop talking, just do it. |
What is the impact? | What is the effect on something, or what affects can it have on something? |
Transform | This means to change something. |
Uninhabitable | This means that a place cannot be lived in. It is unsuitable to live in. |

Vocabulary | Meaning |
More Frequent | More often than before. |
Carbon footprint | Your carbon footprint is how you effect climate change. What activities do you do which effect the climate? It is the individual’s impact on climate change. So, your carbon footprint is the effect that you have on the climate. |
Main Article
July was the world’s hottest month! The data shows that the temperature was 0.93C above the average of 15.8C. It is the highest temperature since it was first recorded142 years ago.
The Extreme heat has sparked wildfires around Europe and America.
Some people believe that it is natural and will happen anyway. Although scientists agree, they also say that people are having a far bigger effect on climate change than before.
The world is about 1.2C warmer than before people started using oil, gas and coal to power factories, transport and heat homes.
The greenhouse gases released by burning fossil fuels trap the Sun’s energy, causing temperatures to rise.
Many believe that if we join together, we can avert a climate catastrophe. They also stated that there is no time for delay and no room for excuses.
What is the impact?
Climate change will transform the way we live and could even make parts of the world uninhabitable because of rising sea levels.
It is also believed that extreme weather such as downpours, heatwaves and storms, will become more frequent.
It is believed that if we all reduce our Carbon footprint, it will have a positive affect and reduce the effect of climate change.

Every cloud has a silver lining
To be optimistic (stay positive) and hope that something good can come out of a bad situation.
‘Every cloud has a silver lining so never give up and let’s reduce our carbon footprint.’